Lets you select a naming template in order to automatically map multiple bones by name.
To open this window, click the Load Skeleton Definition icon in the Definition tab toolbar.
Intended for use with skeletons created using the HumanIK naming conventions.
Intended for use with biped skeletons created using the Character Animation Toolkit (CAT).
Intended for use with biped skeletons created in 3ds Max Biped.
Or select <Browse> to select your own saved naming template.
Lets you extract a naming template based on the bone names in the current skeleton definition.
To open this window, click the Save Skeleton Definition icon in the Definition tab toolbar.
Enter a name for the template. This name is added to the list of available templates in the Load Skeleton Definition window.
This is useful if the bone names for the current character include a standard prefix meant to identify that specific character, for example, if you have the character's name appended to the start of each bone name. Entering that prefix here automatically removes the prefix from all bone names added to your template.