
The following attributes display in the Nonlinear Deformer Attributes section of the Attribute Editor when you select a bend deformer node, as INPUTS of the bend node in the Channel Box. You can also set these attributes as you create a bend node using the Create Bend Deformer Options (Create Deformers > Nonlinear > Bend > ).


Specifies the amount of bending, in degrees. Negative values specify the bending towards the bend deformer’s negative X-axis. Positive values specify the bending towards the deformer’s positive X-axis. Use the slider to select values from -230 to 230. Default is 0, which specifies no bend.

Low Bound

Specifies the lower extent of the bending along the bend deformer’s negative Y axis. Values can be negative numbers or zero. Values can be negative numbers or zero. Use the slider to select values from -10.0000 to 0.0000. Default is -1.0000.

High Bound

Specifies the upper extent of the bending along the bend deformer’s positive Y axis. Values can be positive numbers only (minimum is 0.0000). Use the slider to select values from 0.0000 to 10.0000. Default is 1.0000.

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