Node Editor Hotkeys

The following is the list of hotkeys you can use with the Node Editor:

Hotkey Description
1, 2, 3, 4 Switch among view modes: simple, connected, full and show all attributes/custom attribute view (if a custom attribute list exists).
5 Switch among displaying the node name / node type / no node title.
p Toggle between pinning and unpinning.
v Toggle selection swatch size.
+/- Zoom in/out.
Delete/Backspace Remove nodes.
Tab Create node.
c Sync Node Editor/viewport selection.
x Toggle grid snapping state.
left/right arrow keys Pickwalk through sibling nodes.
up/down arrow keys Pickwalk through parent/child nodes.
, Select connected upstream nodes.
. Select connected downstream nodes.
/ Select both connected upstream and downstream nodes.
+ l Remove all selected nodes.
Note: The l key is a lower case L.
+ / Remove all unselected nodes.
+ , Remove all upstream nodes (including selected node).
+ . Remove all downstream nodes (including selected node).
+ , Regraph upstream nodes.
+ . Regraph downstream nodes.
+ / Regraph upstream and downstream nodes.