Create polygon primitives using the Create menu

Creating primitives by selecting from the Create menu lets you specify the primitive’s attributes before you create it. Using this method, creates a primitive at the X, Y, Z origin.

To create polygon primitives at the X, Y, Z origin using the Create menu

  1. Turn off Create > Polygon Primitives > Interactive Creation.
  2. Select Create > Polygon Primitives and select the primitive’s option box from the list of primitives. For example, Sphere > , Cube > , Cone > , and so on.

    When you select the beside the primitive, its associated options window appears.

  3. In the primitive’s tool settings window, edit the attributes for the primitive as required.

    You can set attributes that specify the radius, scale, subdivisions, and whether default UV texture coordinates are created with the primitive. For more information on primitive options see Create > Polygon Primitives.

  4. Click Create.

    The primitive object appears at the X, Y, Z origin of the scene view. By default the primitive remains selected so you can perform other operations on it. For example, move, rotate, or scale.


    You can modify a primitive’s attributes after you create it using either the Channel Box or the Attribute Editor.

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