For details of how to move, rotate, and scale with the Universal Manipulator, see Use the Universal Manipulator.
To move objects or components
- Select the object or component.
- Select the Move Tool or press w.
- Use the position manipulator to change the position of the selected objects.
Tip: Hold the W, E, or R hotkeys and click to show the marking menu for the Move, Rotate, or Scale tools.
To rotate objects or components
- Select the object or component.
- Select the Rotate Tool or press e.
- Use the rotation manipulator to rotate the selected objects. The selection rotates around the pivot of the key object.
To scale objects or components
- Select the object or component.
- Select the Scale Tool or press r.
- Use the scale manipulator to scale the selected objects. The selection scales from the pivot of the key object.
To use the combined Move/Rotate/Scale Tool
The combined Move/Rotate/Scale Tool shows the move, rotate, and scale handles all in one manipulator. You may find it easier to use than the individual tools when you’re performing a lot of move, rotate, and scale operations on an object to get it into position.
- Select Modify > Transformation Tools > Move/Rotate/Scale Tool.
To enter exact transformation values
- Select the object or component.
- Select the Move, Rotate, or Scale Tools.
- From the drop-down menu for the Menu of Input line operations box, select either Absolute transform or Relative transform.
- Click the input field and type X, Y, and Z values in the appropriate fields.
If you are moving a selected NURBS object to an extreme distance or scaling an NURBS object to an extreme size, you may need to activate the High Precision NURBS display to view the objects correctly. The High Precision NURBS display setting can be found in Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences in the NURBS category under the heading Display.