Texture Map

Find this section in the Attribute Editor for NURBS, under the shape node.

Texture Map

Provides you with various adjustable attributes as well as a way to fix texture warp on objects with 2D textures. This is especially useful, for example, waving fabric, like a flag.

Fix Texture Warp

The Texture Map attributes only apply to NURBS surfaces.

Note: Convert to File Texture does not support Fix Texture Warp If the surface uses Fix Texture Warp, it is ignored when converting the material.

Fix Texture Warp adjusts a texture’s UV parameters so the texture does not rely on a NURBS object’s UV parameterization, which alleviates texture warp on objects with 2D textures. For example, if you want to create and animate a flag with a Checker texture, you can create a NURBS plane on which to map the Checker texture, transform the CVs, and turn Fix Texture Warp on in the object’s Attribute Editor.

When you animate the flag by moving some of the CVs to simulate the wind blowing the flag, the checker pattern on the flag expands and shrinks appropriately.

  • To see the textured surfaces update, you must view them in Texture Baking View (Preview > Preview Current Frame). Re-render the scene to see the fixed texture.
  • Because computing exact arc-lengths is very expensive, Fix Texture Warp is a compromise used to achieve well spaced UV texture values with chord length (which measures the length of a line drawn between two points on the surface). Use this feature to apply textures more evenly on surfaces with uneven parameterization.
  • Fix Texture Warp is applied on a per-NURBS surface basis.

Setting the grid size

When Fix Texture Warp is on, Maya texture maps a 2D NURBS surface based on the chord length of a grid placed on the surface. You can determine the size of the grid by the value you specify in the Grid Division Per Span U and Grid Division Per Span V, and the corresponding number of spans on the surface. The default grid size is 4, and the result is a multiple of 4.

Grid Div Per Span U

Specifies the number of divisions per span of the Chord Length grid along the U parameter.

Grid Div Per Span V

Specifies the number of divisions per span of the Chord Length grid along the V parameter.