Edit completed commands (construction history)

To view the complete construction history

  1. Select an object.
  2. Click the construction inputs button or the construction outputs button on the Status line (toolbar) and select All Inputs.

    The List of input operations or List of output operations window appears.

    These windows list all nodes within the construction history of the selected object. You can use Node State drop-down menu to change the node behavior, and use the Filter options to set whether the node attributes display in the Attribute Editor for the selected object. (List displays the node, Include filters the node out.)

  3. Note: -drag an item to reposition it in the List of input operations or List of output operations window. This operation only applies to deformers and not modeling operations.

To use the construction history to modify an object

  1. Select an object.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press A + click the object, then choose Select All Inputs from the marking menu that appears.
    • Click the construction inputs button or the construction outputs button on the Status line (toolbar) and select a node from the menu that appears.
      Tip: Select the option box beside the input or output to open the node in the Attribute Editor for editing.
    • In the Attribute Editor, select the tab for the history node you want to edit.
    • Click the node name in the Channel Box.
  3. Edit the node attributes in the Attribute Editor or the Channel Box.

    To show a custom manipulator for this node, click the Show Manipulator Tool in the General shelf.

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