You can create two types of image planes: a free image plane that is not attached to a camera and that you can select and transform in your scene; or, an image plane that is attached to a camera.
To create a free image plane (method 1)
To create a free image plane (method 2)
To edit or position a free image plane, select it in the scene and move or transform it as you like. When you select the free image plane, its Attribute Editor also opens.
For more information, see:
To create an image plane attached to a camera (method 1)
A placement icon appears, and the Image Plane Attribute Editor opens.
To create an image plane attached to a camera (method 2)
An image plane node is created and you can browse for your texture under the Image Name attribute.
To edit an existing image plane
The selected image plane’s attributes display in the Attribute Editor (unless the Attribute Editor has been hidden)
Right-click the arrow key of the image plane attribute in the camera to display a list of the image planes per camera.
To position an image plane