Assign a marking menu to a hotkey

Marking menus appear when you hold a hotkey and click. You can set a hotkey to show one of the pre-made marking menus that come with Maya, or a custom marking menu you have created.

To assign a marking menu to a hotkey

  1. Select Window > Settings/Preferences > Marking Menu Editor.
  2. Click the marking menu in the list.
  3. Set the Use Marking Menu In option to Hotkey Editor.
  4. Click Apply Settings.
  5. Select Window > Settings/Preferences > Hotkey Editor.
  6. In the Categories list on the left, click User Marking Menus.
  7. For each marking menu you’ve created, the list has two items in the Commands list: “menu_Press” and “menu_Release”. Click the “press” command.
  8. Type a key name in the Key text box and turn on any modifiers you want on the hotkey.

    For example, type m in the text box and turn on the Alt setting to assign the marking menu to + m.

    As you edit these settings, Maya shows the command currently assigned to the hotkey, if any. Only assign the hotkey if you don’t mind overriding this command.

  9. Set the Direction option to Press.
  10. Click Assign.

    If the hotkey you set already has a command assigned, Maya asks if you want to override it.

  11. Maya warns you that it should assign the release command also. Click OK to do this.

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