Edit shrinkwrap deformers

You can use the options in the Edit Deformers > ShrinkWrap menu to edit shrinkwrap deformations after they are created, without deleting the shrinkwrap node.

To remove a target

  1. Select the wrapper or shrinkwrap node that is associated with the target you want to remove.
  2. Select Edit Deformers > ShrinkWrap > Remove Target.

    The connection between the target and the wrapper is broken, and any changes made to the target will no longer affect the wrapper.

To add a new target

  1. Select a wrapper or shinkwrap node, then Shift-select a new target object.
  2. Select Edit Deformers > ShrinkWrap > Set Target.

    A connection is established between the wrapper and the new target, and any changes made to the target will now affect the wrapper.

To remove an inner object

  1. Select the wrapper or shrinkwrap node that is associated with the inner object you want to remove.
  2. Select Edit Deformers > ShrinkWrap > Remove Inner Object.

    The connection between the inner object and the wrapper is broken, and any changes made to the inner object will no longer affect the wrapper.

To add an inner object

  1. Select a wrapper or shrinkwrap node, then Shift-select an inner object.
  2. Select Edit Deformers > ShrinkWrap > Set Inner Object.

    A connection is established between the wrapper and the inner object, and any changes made to the inner object will now affect the wrapper.

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