The following are the attributes for the ViewColorManager node. You can access the Attribute Editor for this node by selecting Display > Color Management... from the Texture Baking View menu bar.
Select the color profile for your image source file.
Select the color profile for your display device.
The Exposure slider is in relative stop values to the original image. Set this attribute to a negative value to darken the image and view details in the over-bright regions of the HDR image. Set this attribute to a positive value to brighten the image and view details in the over-dark regions of the image.
Tweak Contrast to increase or decrease the difference between the tones in the image. Set this value to positive so that dark colors become darker and bright colors become brighter.
Specify your custom color transformation file or the custom calibration file for your output device. You can also use this attribute to apply a custom color grading effect. Preview your image in the Texture Baking View with color grading applied.
The following 3d LUT file formats are supported: