Custom menu sets

You can create custom menu sets that contain your choice of menu items. You can also rename, edit, and remove menu sets. This drop-down list simplifies workflows by grouping commonly-used menus into a single menu set.

Custom menu sets behave like the default Maya menu sets (Animation, Polygons, NURBS, Shading). When you switch to a custom menu set using the Status Line drop-down list, certain menu items change. (The common menu items—File, Edit, Modify, Create, Display, and Window—are always present.)

The default Maya menu sets can be edited, renamed, and removed as well. Any custom menu sets you create are added to the list of available menu sets in the Status Line drop-down list and also appear in the Hotbox.

Custom menu set information is stored in your Maya user preferences.

All customization of menu sets is done using the Menu Set editor.

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