Set motion path markers

To create a position marker

  1. Set a key on the U Value attribute of the motion path node.

To set orientation markers

  1. Select the motion path animated object, and -click its path curve.
  2. Select Animate > Motion Paths > Attach to Motion Path > .

    The Attach to Motion Path Options window appears. See Animate > Motion Paths > Attach to Motion Path.

  3. Set the Time Range to Time Slider and turn the Follow option on.

    See Follow.

  4. Click Attach to create the path animation.

    Notice the playback of the animation smoothly animates along the path curve. To make the object appear as if its path was bumpy, animate the side twist attribute of the motion path, which is the rotation around the side axis of the object.

  5. Drag the Time Slider to the first time of the path animation.
  6. Click the motion path node in the Channel Box to view its attributes, and select the side twist attribute.
  7. In the Channel Box, select Channels > Key Selected to key this attribute.

    You have now created an orientation marker. The orientation marker is represented in the view by a small triangle with a number next to it.


    Keying the front, side, or up twist attributes of the motion path node creates orientation markers.

  8. Drag in the time slider further along in time.
  9. Click in the numeric field of the side twist attribute in the Channel Box.
  10. -click and drag in the scene view to adjust the side twist of the motion path node.
  11. When you are satisfied with the amount of twist, click the side twist attribute in the Channel Box, and select Channels > Key Selected.
  12. Repeat steps 8-11 until you have reached the end of the path curve.

    If you are not satisfied with the twist adjustment at one of the orientation markers, you can select the orientation marker and use the Rotate Tool to rotate the orientation marker the amount you want.

To reposition a marker

  1. Select the marker you want to reposition.
  2. Use the Move Tool to reposition the marker along the curve.

To change the timing of a marker

  1. Select the marker for which you want to change the time.
  2. Open the Attribute Editor (Window > Attribute Editor) and click in the Time field to change the time of the marker.

To delete a marker

  1. Select the marker in the scene view and press .