Overview of Viewpoints

Viewpoints are snapshots taken of the model as it is displayed in the Scene View. Importantly, viewpoints can be used for more than just saving information about the view of the model. For example, they can be annotated with redlines and comments, allowing you to use viewpoints as a design review audit trail. Viewpoints can also be used as links in the Scene View, so that when you click on and zoom to the viewpoint, Autodesk Navisworks also displays the redlines and comments associated with it.

The viewpoints, redlines and comments are all saved into an NWF file from Autodesk Navisworks, and are independent of the model geometry. So, if the native CAD files are changing, the saved viewpoints remain the same, appearing as an overlay on top of the base layer of model geometry. This enables you to see how the design has evolved. See Review Your Model for more information on links, comments and redlines and Native File Formats for more information on the NWF file format.

Viewpoints encompass a range of different information about the view of the model, navigation settings, and annotations in the form of redlines and comments. See Default Viewpoint Options for more information.

View of the Model

  • Camera position, projection mode, field of view and orientation
  • Lighting mode, render mode and toggles for the display of different geometry types (surfaces, lines, points)
  • Sectioning configuration

Additionally, the following item overrides can be saved with the viewpoint (this is optional):

  • Visibility (hidden / required)
  • Appearance (color and transparency)


  • Linear and angular speeds of motion
  • Realism settings (collision, gravity, third person, crouch)
  • The currently selected navigation tool


  • Redlines
  • Comments