The Sets window has the following options:
Button | Description |
Saves the current selection as a new selection set in the list. This set contains all currently selected geometry. | |
Saves the current search as a search set in the list. This set contains the current search criteria. | |
Creates a folder above the selected item. | |
Creates a copy of all selected items at the same point in the hierarchy. If a folder is duplicated then all its contents are duplicated. The copy has the same name as the original item, but with an “X” suffix, where “X” is the next available number. | |
Opens the Add Comment dialog box for the selected item. | |
Deletes the selected items. | |
Orders the contents of the Sets window alphabetically. | |
Imports and exports search sets. Imports PDS Display sets. |
Updates the selected search set with the current search criteria, or updates the selected selection set with the currently selected geometry.