ViewCube Page

Use the options on this page to customize the ViewCube behavior.

Show the ViewCube

Indicates whether or not the ViewCube is displayed in the Scene View.

Tip: You can also toggle the ViewCube by clicking View tab Navigation Aids panel ViewCube .

Specifies the size of the ViewCube. You can choose from the following options:

  • Automatic
  • Tiny
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Note: In automatic mode, the size of the ViewCube is relative to the size of the Scene View, and ranges between medium and tiny.
Inactive Opacity

When the ViewCube is inactive, that is your cursor is distant from the ViewCube, it appears transparent. To control the opacity level, choose from the following options:

  • 0%
  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 100%
Keep Scene Upright

Indicates whether the upside-down orientations of the scene is allowed when you use the ViewCube.

When this check box is selected, dragging the ViewCube produces a turntable effect.

When Dragging on the ViewCube

While being dragged, the ViewCube and the scene rotate in an arcball like fashion, unless the Keep Scene Upright check box is selected.

Snap to the Closest View

Indicates whether the ViewCube snaps to one of the fixed views when it is angularly close to one of the fixed views.

When Clicking on the ViewCube

Fit-to-View on Change

When this check box is selected, clicking the ViewCube rotates around the center of the scene and zooms out to fit the scene into the Scene View. When dragging the ViewCube, prior to the drag, the view changes to look at the scene center (but does not zoom) and continues to use that as the pivot point while dragging.

If this check box is clear, clicking or dragging the ViewCube rotates around the current pivot point and does not zoom in or out.

Use Animated Transitions When Switching Views

If this check box is selected, an animated transition displays when you click on a section of the ViewCube to help you visualize the spatial relationship between the current viewpoint and the selected viewpoint.

Note: When navigating about 3D scenes that contain vast amounts of geometry, the application frame rate may drop and make it difficult for the system to smoothly animate a viewpoint transition.
Show the Compass Below the ViewCube

Indicates whether the compass is displayed below the ViewCube tool.