Geometry Utility Classes

Geometry Utility Classes


The HostObjectUtils class offers methods as a shortcut to locate certain faces of compound HostObjects. These utilities retrieve the faces which act as the boundaries of the object's CompoundStructure:

  • HostObjectUtils.GetSideFaces() – applicable to Walls and FaceWalls; you can obtain either the exterior or interior finish faces.
  • HostObjectUtils.GetTopFaces() and HostObjectUtils.GetBottomFaces() – applicable to roofs, floors, and ceilings.


The SolidUtils class contains methods to perform operations on solids.

  • SolidUtils.SplitVolumes() - takes a solid which includes disjoint enclosed volumes and returns newly created Solid objects representing each volume. If no splitting is necessary, the input solid is returned.
  • SolidUtils.TessellateSolidOrShell() - triangulates a given input Solid (which can be one or more fully closed volumes, or an open shell). Returns a TriangulatedSolidOrShell object which allows access to the stored triangulated boundary component of a solid or a triangulated connected component of a shell.


The JoinGeometryUtils class contains methods for joining and unjoining elements, and for managing the order in which elements are joined. These utilities are not available for family documents.

  • JoinGeometryUtils.AreElementsJoined() - determines whether two elements are joined
  • JoinGeometryUtils.GetJoinedElements() - returns all elements joined to given element
  • JoinGeometryUtils.JoinGeometry() - creates a join between two elements that share a comon face. The visible edge between the joined elements is removed. and the joined elements then share the same line weight and fill pattern.
  • JoinGeometryUtils.UnjoinGeometry() - removes a join between two joined elements
  • JoinGeometryUtils.SwitchJoinOrder() - reverses the order in which two elements are joined. The cutting element becomes the cut element and vice versa.
  • JoinGeometryUtils . IsCuttingElementInJoin() - determines whether the first of two joined elements is cutting the second element or vice versa.


This class is used to convert a triangulated structure into a structure in which some of the triangles have been consolidated into quadrilaterals.

  • FacetingUtils.ConvertTrianglesToQuads() - this method takes a TriangulationInterface (constructed from a TriangulatedSolidOrShell) as input and returns a collection of triangles and quadrilaterals representing the original triangulated object.