

Creating a new system

New piping and mechanical systems can be created using the Revit API. NewPipingSystem() and NewMechanicalSystem() both take a Connector that is the base equipment connector, such as a hot water heater for a piping system, or a fan for a mechanical system. They also take a ConnectorSet of connectors that will be added to the system, such as faucets on sinks in a piping system. The last piece of information required to create a new system is either a PipeSystemType for NewPipingSystem() or a DuctSystemType for NewMechanicalSystem().

In the following sample, a new SupplyAir duct system is created from a selected piece of mechanical equipment (such as a fan) and all selected Air Terminals.

Code Region 30-4: Creating a new mechanical system

// create a connector set for new mechanical system
ConnectorSet connectorSet = new ConnectorSet();
// Base equipment connector
Connector baseConnector = null;

// Select a Parallel Fan Powered VAV and some Supply Diffusers
// prior to running this example
ConnectorSetIterator csi = null;
ICollection<ElementId> selectedIds = uiDocument.Selection.GetElementIds();
Document document = uiDocument.Document;
foreach (ElementId id in selectedIds)
    Element e = document.GetElement(id);
    if (e is FamilyInstance)
        FamilyInstance fi = e as FamilyInstance;
        Family family = fi.Symbol.Family;
        // Assume the selected Mechanical Equipment is the base equipment for new system
        if (family.FamilyCategory.Name == "Mechanical Equipment")
            //Find the "Out" and "SupplyAir" connector on the base equipment
            if (null != fi.MEPModel)
                csi = fi.MEPModel.ConnectorManager.Connectors.ForwardIterator();
                while (csi.MoveNext())
                    Connector conn = csi.Current as Connector;
                    if (conn.Direction == FlowDirectionType.Out && conn.DuctSystemType == DuctSystemType.SupplyAir)
                        baseConnector = conn;
        else if (family.FamilyCategory.Name == "Air Terminals")
            // add selected Air Terminals to connector set for new mechanical system
            csi = fi.MEPModel.ConnectorManager.Connectors.ForwardIterator();
            connectorSet.Insert(csi.Current as Connector);

MechanicalSystem mechanicalSys = null;
if (null != baseConnector && connectorSet.Size > 0)
    // create a new SupplyAir mechanical system
    mechanicalSys = uiDocument.Document.Create.NewMechanicalSystem(baseConnector, connectorSet, DuctSystemType.SupplyAir);