When creating an electrical family parameter, specify the parameter type in the Parameter Properties dialog.
Name | Description |
Current | The flow of electric charge. |
Electrical Potential | Used to control input/output units for Electrical Potential. |
Frequency | Used to express the number of cycles per second for alternating current power. |
Illuminance | Luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area. |
Luminance | Intensity per unit area of light travelling in a given direction. |
Luminous Flux | Measure of the perceived power of light. |
Luminous Intensity | Wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle. |
Efficacy | A measure of how well a light source produces visible light, used in light source initial intensity settings. |
Wattage | The rate at which electric energy is transferred. |
Color Temperature | Used as an input to defining Initial Color of a light source. |
Power | The rate at which electric energy is transferred. |
Apparent Power | The current multiplied by the electrical potential in AC systems. |
Power Density | The amount of power per area. |
Electrical Resistivity | Used for materials. |
Wire Diameter | Used to format conductor diameter dimension. |
Temperature | Used for ambient temperature on the wire types, used for wire sizing. |
Cable Tray Size | Used to control input/output units for cable tray. |
Conduit Size | Used to control input/output units for conduit. |
Demand Factor | Use to adjust the connected load to a demand load. |
Number of Poles | Used to define the number of line conductors at a connection. |
Load Classification | Used to group electrical loads for load calculations. |