Assembly Code Settings

Use the Assembly Code Settings dialog to specify the assembly code file to use for assigning a Uniformat code to the Assembly Code type property of model elements.

  1. Click Manage tabSettings panelAdditional Settings drop-down (Assembly Code).

    The Assembly Code Settings dialog displays. The File Location field displays the full path location and file name of the currently-loaded assembly code file, either remote or local.

    Note: If the assembly code file is not currently loaded, is unavailable, or is not current, a yellow warning icon displays. Click Reload to load the assembly code file.
  2. Select one of the following actions:
    • Browse - opens the Browse for Assembly Code File dialog. Navigate to the assembly code file to use, and click Open to load the file. Assembly code files can be stored on local or remote servers.
    • View - opens the Assembly Code dialog. This dialog does not permit editing of the Uniformat data.
    • Reload - reloads the assembly code file from the current file.
  3. For a locally-stored file, select one of the File Path options:
      Note: The File Path options are disabled if the currently-loaded assembly code file is stored on a remote server.
    • Absolute - identifies a specific folder located on your local PC or a network server. The path could be stored in the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) format such as \\servername\share\folder\assemblycode.txt
    • Relative - finds the assembly code file where the project file or central model is located. If the file is moved to a new location, the program expects to find the assembly code file in this new folder location as well.
    • At Library Locations - finds the assembly code file where the stand-alone installation or network deployment specified.