After creating a project template, you can add it to the list that displays on the Recent Files window or the New Project dialog. Then when creating a project, you can choose a project template from the list.
You can store project templates in any accessible location. For templates that will be used by multiple users, store the templates in a network location that is accessible by all users. You specify the location of each project template on the File Locations tab of the Options dialog, as described below.
When starting a new project, users can select the desired template by name from a list; they don't need to know the precise location of the template.
To add project templates to the Project Templates list
The template is added to the list.
The default location for project template files is: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Autodesk\<product name and release>\Templates\
The first 5 templates listed in the table will appear on the Recent Files window under Projects, providing quick access. When creating a project, the full list of project templates is available on the New Project dialog.