Edit Walkthrough Frames

You can edit walkthrough frames.

  1. Open the walkthrough.
  2. Click Modify | Cameras tabWalkthrough panel (Edit Walkthrough).
  3. On the Options Bar, click the Walkthrough frame edit button .

    The Walkthrough Frames dialog has 5 columns that show the frame properties:

    • The Key Frame column displays the total number of key frames in the walkthrough path. Click a key frame number to display where that key frame appears on the walkthrough path. A camera icon displays at the selected key frame.
    • The Frame column displays the frame at which the key frame displays.
    • The Accelerator column displays numerical controls for changing the speed of the walkthrough playback at a specific key frame.
    • The Speed column displays the speed at which the camera travels along the path at each key frame.
    • Elapsed Time displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the first key frame.
  4. By default, there is a uniform speed at which the camera travels along the entire walkthrough path. You can change the speed by increasing or decreasing the total number of frames or by increasing or decreasing the number of frames per second. Enter the desired value for either.
  5. To change the accelerator value for key frames, clear the Uniform Speed check box, and enter a value for the desired key frame in the Accelerator column. Valid values for the Accelerator are between 0.1 and 10.
  6. Cameras Along Path: To help you visualize the distribution of frames along the walkthrough path, select Indicators. Enter a value for the increment at which you want to see camera indicators.
  7. Resetting Target Points: You can move the position of the camera's target point at a key frame, for example, to create the effect that the camera is looking side to side. To reset the target points back to following the path, click Modify | Cameras tabWalkthrough panel (Reset Cameras).