サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ
object.DeleteConfiguration Name
タイプ: Viewports
アクセス: 入力のみ
タイプ: 文字列
ビューポート設定は、Split メソッドによって分割された単一のビューポートから成っています。ビューポートが分割されると、分割されたそれぞれのビューポートは一つのビューポート設定とみなされます。設定内のすべてのビューポートは、分割前の元のビューポートと同じ名前を持ちます。
Sub Example_DeleteConfiguration() ' This example creates a new viewport and splits ' the viewport into 4 windows. ' It then deletes the viewport configuration Dim oldViewport As AcadViewport Set oldViewport = ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport ' Create a new viewport and make it active Dim newViewport As AcadViewport Set newViewport = ThisDrawing.Viewports.Add("TESTVIEWPORT") ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = newViewport ' Split the viewport in 4 windows newViewport.Split acViewport4 ' Make the newly split viewport active ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = newViewport MsgBox "The viewport configuration split into 4 windows." ' Delete the viewport configuration ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = oldViewport ThisDrawing.Viewports.DeleteConfiguration ("TESTVIEWPORT") ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports MsgBox "The viewport configuration has been deleted." End Sub
Visual LISP:
(vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_DeleteConfiguration() ;; This example creates a new viewport and splits ;; the viewport into 4 windows. ;; It then deletes the viewport configuration (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) (setq oldViewport (vla-Add (vla-get-Viewports doc) "CurrentViewport")) ;; Create a new viewport and make it active (setq newViewport (vla-Add (vla-get-Viewports doc) "NewViewport")) (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc newViewport) ;; Split the viewport in 4 windows (vla-Split newViewport acViewport4) ;; Make the newly split viewport active (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc newViewport) (alert "The viewport configuration split into 4 windows.") ;; Delete the viewport configuration (vla-put-ActiveViewport doc oldViewport) (vla-DeleteConfiguration (vla-get-Viewports doc) "NewViewport") (vla-DeleteConfiguration (vla-get-Viewports doc) "CurrentViewport") (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports) (alert "The viewport configurations have been deleted and original viewport restored.") )