ConstantWidth プロパティ(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ




タイプ: LWPolylinePolyline



読み込み専用: いいえ

タイプ: 倍精度浮動小数点数型




SetWidth および GetWidth メソッドを使用して個々のセグメントの幅を指定します。


Sub Example_ConstantWidth()
    ' This example creates a lightweight polyline in model space and
    ' uses the ConstantWidth property to determine if the polyline comprises
    ' equal width segments.  If the segments are not equal,
    ' use the ConstantWidth property to set all the segments to the same
    ' width.
    Dim plineObj As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim points(0 To 9) As Double
    Dim msg As String, CWidth As Double
    ' Define the 2D polyline points
    points(0) = 1: points(1) = 1
    points(2) = 1: points(3) = 2
    points(4) = 2: points(5) = 2
    points(6) = 3: points(7) = 2
    points(8) = 4: points(9) = 4
    ' Create a lightweight Polyline object in model space
    ' * Note: Return the new PolyLine object into a Module
    ' level variable, which allows events associated
    ' with that particular object to be intercepted.
    Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(points)
    ' Display segment information before altering the width of segment 1
    ' Set the first segment width
    plineObj.SetWidth 1, 0.1, 0.3
    ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    ' Display segment information after altering the width of segment 1
    ' Make all segments uniform in width
    plineObj.ConstantWidth = 0.1
    ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    ' Display segment information after making the segments uniform
    Exit Sub
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Check to see if the segment widths are uniform
    CWidth = plineObj.ConstantWidth
    ' If ConstantWidth returns an error, the
    ' segments are not all the same width
    If Err.Description = "Invalid input" Then
        msg = " are not equal."
        msg = " are all equal."
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "The segments of the new polyline" & msg
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_ConstantWidth()
    ;; This example creates a lightweight polyline in model space and
    ;; uses the ConstantWidth property to determine if the polyline comprises
    ;; equal width segments.  If the segments are not equal,
    ;; use the ConstantWidth property to set all the segments to the same
    ;; width.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    ;; Define the 2D polyline points
    (setq points (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 9)))
    (vlax-safearray-fill points '(1 1
				  1 2
				  2 2
				  3 2
				  4 4
    ;; Create a lightweight Polyline object in model space
    ;; * Note: Return the new PolyLine object into a Module
    ;; level variable, which allows events associated
    ;; with that particular object to be intercepted.
    (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc))   
    (setq plineObj (vla-AddLightWeightPolyline modelSpace points))
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)
    ;; Display segment information before altering the width of segment 1
    ;; Check to see if the segment widths are uniform
    (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-ConstantWidth (list plineObj)))
    (if (vl-catch-all-error-p err)
        (setq msg " are not equal.")
        (setq msg " are all equal."
	      CWidth err)
    (alert (strcat "The segments of the new polyline" msg))    

    ;; Set the first segment width
    (vla-SetWidth plineObj 1 0.1 0.3)
    (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports)
    ;; Display segment information after altering the width of segment 1
    ;; Check to see if the segment widths are uniform
    (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-ConstantWidth (list plineObj)))
    (if (vl-catch-all-error-p err)
        (setq msg " are not equal.")
        (setq msg " are all equal."
	      CWidth err)
    (alert (strcat "The segments of the new polyline" msg))    

    ;; Make all segments uniform in width
    (vla-put-ConstantWidth plineObj 0.1)
    (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports)
    ;; Display segment information after making the segments uniform
    ;; Check to see if the segment widths are uniform
    (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-ConstantWidth (list plineObj)))
    (if (vl-catch-all-error-p err)
        (setq msg " are not equal.")
        (setq msg " are all equal."
	      CWidth err)
    (alert (strcat "The segments of the new polyline" msg))