作図ウィンドウの下辺および右辺にスクロール バーを表示するかどうかを指定します。
サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ
読み込み専用: いいえ
タイプ: ブール型
このプロパティの初期値は False です。
Sub Example_DisplayScrollBars() ' This example returns the current setting of ' DisplayScrollBars. It then changes the value, and finally ' it resets the value back to the original setting. Dim preferences As AcadPreferences Dim currDisplayScrollBars As Boolean Set preferences = ThisDrawing.Application.Preferences ' Retrieve the current DisplayScrollBars value currDisplayScrollBars = preferences.Display.DisplayScrollBars MsgBox "The current value for DisplayScrollBars is " & preferences.DISPLAY.DisplayScrollBars, vbInformation, "DisplayScrollBars Example" ' Change the value for DisplayScrollBars preferences.DISPLAY.DisplayScrollBars = Not (currDisplayScrollBars) MsgBox "The new value for DisplayScrollBars is " & preferences.DISPLAY.DisplayScrollBars, vbInformation, "DisplayScrollBars Example" ' Reset DisplayScrollBars to its original value preferences.DISPLAY.DisplayScrollBars = currDisplayScrollBars MsgBox "The DisplayScrollBars value is reset to " & preferences.DISPLAY.DisplayScrollBars, vbInformation, "DisplayScrollBars Example" End Sub
Visual LISP:
(vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_DisplayScrollBars() ;; This example returns the current setting of ;; DisplayScrollBars. It then changes the value, and finally ;; it resets the value back to the original setting. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq preferences (vla-get-Preferences acadObj)) ;; Get the Display preferences object (setq ACADPref (vla-get-Display preferences)) ;; Retrieve the current DisplayScrollBars value (setq currDisplayScrollBars (vla-get-DisplayScrollBars ACADPref)) (alert (strcat "The current value for DisplayScrollBars is " (if (= currDisplayScrollBars :vlax-true) "True" "False"))) ;; Change the value for DisplayScrollBars (setq newValue (if (= currDisplayScrollBars :vlax-true) :vlax-false :vlax-true)) (vla-put-DisplayScrollBars ACADPref newValue) (alert (strcat "The new value for DisplayScrollBars is " (if (= newValue :vlax-true) "True" "False"))) ;; Reset DisplayScrollBars to its original value (vla-put-DisplayScrollBars ACADPref currDisplayScrollBars) (alert (strcat "The DisplayScrollBars value is reset to " (if (= currDisplayScrollBars :vlax-true) "True" "False"))) )