概要 - 拡張データを割り当て、取得する(VBA/ActiveX)




Sub Ch10_AttachXDataToSelectionSetObjects()
 ' Create the selection set
 Dim sset As Object
 Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1")
 ' Prompt the user to select objects
 ' Define the xdata
 Dim appName As String, xdataStr As String
 appName = "MY_APP"
 xdataStr = "This is some xdata"
 Dim xdataType(0 To 1) As Integer
 Dim xdata(0 To 1) As Variant
 ' Define the values for each array
 '1001 indicates the appName
 xdataType(0) = 1001
 xdata(0) = appName
 '1000 indicates a string value
 xdataType(1) = 1000
 xdata(1) = xdataStr
 ' Loop through all entities in the selection
 ' set and assign the xdata to each entity
 Dim ent As Object
 For Each ent In sset
 ent.SetXData xdataType, xdata
 Next ent
End Sub


次の例では、前の例でアタッチした拡張データを表示します。文字列(タイプ 1000)以外の拡張データをアタッチする場合は、このコードを変更する必要があります。

Sub Ch10_ViewXData()
 ' Find the selection created in previous example
 Dim sset As Object
 Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("SS1")
 ' Define the xdata variables to hold xdata information
 Dim xdataType As Variant
 Dim xdata As Variant
 Dim xd As Variant
 'Define index counter
 Dim xdi As Integer
 xdi = 0
 ' Loop through the objects in the selection set
 ' and retrieve the xdata for the object
 Dim msgstr As String
 Dim appName As String
 Dim ent As AcadEntity
 appName = "MY_APP"
 For Each ent In sset
 msgstr = ""
 xdi = 0
 ' Retrieve the appName xdata type and value
 ent.GetXData appName, xdataType, xdata
 ' If the xdataType variable is not initialized, there
 ' was no appName xdata to retrieve for that entity
 If VarType(xdataType) <> vbEmpty Then
 For Each xd In xdata
 msgstr = msgstr & vbCrLf & xdataType(xdi) _
 & ": " & xd
 xdi = xdi + 1
 Next xd
 End If
 ' If the msgstr variable is NULL, there was no xdata
 If msgstr = "" Then msgstr = vbCrLf & "NONE"
 MsgBox appName & " xdata on " & ent.ObjectName & _
 ":" & vbCrLf & msgstr
 Next ent
End Sub