RealToString メソッド(ActiveX)


サポートされているプラットフォーム: Windows のみ



RetVal = object.RealToString(Value, Unit, Precision)

タイプ: Utility



アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: 倍精度浮動小数点数型



アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: AcUnits 列挙型

  • acDefaultUnits
  • acScientific
  • acDecimal
  • acEngineering
  • acArchitectural
  • acFractional

アクセス: 入力のみ

タイプ: 長整数型

値の精度。0 から 8 までの整数。


タイプ: 文字列





Sub Example_RealToString()
    ' This example converts values in a given format to their string equivalents.
    Dim unit As Long
    Dim valueAsStr As String
    Dim precision As Integer
    Dim valueAsReal As Double
    precision = 6
    ' Convert a real value 17.5 using Scientific mode to a String
    unit = acScientific
    valueAsStr = ThisDrawing.Utility.RealToString(17.5, unit, precision)
    MsgBox "17.5 in scientific format is " & valueAsStr, , "RealToString Example"
    ' Convert a real value 17.5 using Decimal mode to a String
    unit = acDecimal
    valueAsStr = ThisDrawing.Utility.RealToString(17.5, unit, precision)
    MsgBox "17.5 in decimal format is " & valueAsStr, , "RealToString Example"
    ' Convert a real value 17.5 using Engineering mode to a String
    unit = acEngineering
    valueAsStr = ThisDrawing.Utility.RealToString(17.5, unit, precision)
    MsgBox "17.5 in engineering format is " & valueAsStr, , "RealToString Example"
    ' Convert a real value 17.5 using Architectural mode to a String
    unit = acArchitectural
    valueAsStr = ThisDrawing.Utility.RealToString(17.5, unit, precision)
    MsgBox "17.5 in architectural format is " & valueAsStr, , "RealToString Example"
    ' Converts a real value 17.5 using fractional mode to a String
    unit = acFractional
    valueAsStr = ThisDrawing.Utility.RealToString(17.5, unit, precision)
    MsgBox "17.5 in fractional format is " & valueAsStr, , "RealToString Example"
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_RealToString()
    ;; This example converts values in a given format to their string equivalents.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    (setq precision 6)
    ;; Convert a real value 17.5 using Scientific mode to a String
    (setq valueAsStr (vla-RealToString (vla-get-Utility doc) 17.5 acScientific precision))
    (alert (strcat "17.5 in scientific format is " valueAsStr))
    ;; Convert a real value 17.5 using Decimal mode to a String
    (setq valueAsStr (vla-RealToString (vla-get-Utility doc) 17.5 acDecimal precision))
    (alert (strcat "17.5 in decimal format is " valueAsStr))
    ;; Convert a real value 17.5 using Engineering mode to a String
    (setq valueAsStr (vla-RealToString (vla-get-Utility doc) 17.5 acEngineering precision))
    (alert (strcat "17.5 in engineering format is " valueAsStr))
    ;; Convert a real value 17.5 using Architectural mode to a String
    (setq valueAsStr (vla-RealToString (vla-get-Utility doc) 17.5 acArchitectural precision))
    (alert (strcat "17.5 in architectural format is " valueAsStr))
    ;; Converts a real value 17.5 using fractional mode to a String
    (setq valueAsStr (vla-RealToString (vla-get-Utility doc) 17.5 acFractional precision))
    (alert (strcat "17.5 in fractional format is " valueAsStr))