矩形メッシュ(PolygonMesh オブジェクト)は、平面の切り子面を使用してオブジェクトのサーフェスを表します。メッシュの密度、つまり切り子面の個数は、行と列で構成されるグリッドのように、M、N で示す頂点の行列で定義します。M および N は、それぞれ与えられた頂点の列と行を指定します。メッシュは、2D および 3D で作成することができますが、主に 3D で使用します。
PolygonMesh オブジェクトのインスタンスを作成してから新しいメッシュの頂点の密度と配置を指定します。このメソッドはオプションで次の 6 つの値を取ります。作成するポリゴン メッシュの種類、M 方向および N 方向の頂点数を定義する 2 つの整数、メッシュ内のすべての頂点の座標を含む点のコレクション、M 方向または N 方向でメッシュが閉じられているかどうかを定義する 2 つのブール値。
ポリゴン メッシュを作成したら、IsMClosed および NClosed プロパティを使用して、メッシュを閉じます。
次の例では、4×4 のポリゴン メッシュを作成します。メッシュの 3 次元的な特質をより明確に表示できるように、アクティブ ビューポートの方向を調整します。
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry <CommandMethod("Create3DMesh")> _ Public Sub Create3DMesh() '' Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() '' Open the Block table for read Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, _ OpenMode.ForRead) '' Open the Block table record Model space for write Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), _ OpenMode.ForWrite) '' Create a polygon mesh Using acPolyMesh As PolygonMesh = New PolygonMesh() acPolyMesh.MSize = 4 acPolyMesh.NSize = 4 '' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(acPolyMesh) acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPolyMesh, True) '' Before adding vertexes, the polyline must be in the drawing Dim acPts3dPMesh As Point3dCollection = New Point3dCollection() acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(0, 0, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(2, 0, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(4, 0, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(6, 0, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(0, 2, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(2, 2, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(4, 2, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(6, 2, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(0, 4, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(2, 4, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(4, 4, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(6, 4, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(0, 6, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(2, 6, 1)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(4, 6, 0)) acPts3dPMesh.Add(New Point3d(6, 6, 0)) For Each acPt3d As Point3d In acPts3dPMesh Dim acPMeshVer As PolygonMeshVertex = New PolygonMeshVertex(acPt3d) acPolyMesh.AppendVertex(acPMeshVer) acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPMeshVer, True) Next End Using '' Open the active viewport Dim acVportTblRec As ViewportTableRecord acVportTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acDoc.Editor.ActiveViewportId, _ OpenMode.ForWrite) '' Rotate the view direction of the current viewport acVportTblRec.ViewDirection = New Vector3d(-1, -1, 1) acDoc.Editor.UpdateTiledViewportsFromDatabase() '' Save the new objects to the database acTrans.Commit() End Using End Sub
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; [CommandMethod("Create3DMesh")] public static void Create3DMesh() { // Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database; using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // Open the Block table record for read BlockTable acBlkTbl; acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable; // Open the Block table record Model space for write BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec; acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord; // Create a polygon mesh using (PolygonMesh acPolyMesh = new PolygonMesh()) { acPolyMesh.MSize = 4; acPolyMesh.NSize = 4; // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(acPolyMesh); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPolyMesh, true); // Before adding vertexes, the polyline must be in the drawing Point3dCollection acPts3dPMesh = new Point3dCollection(); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(0, 0, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(2, 0, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(4, 0, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(6, 0, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(0, 2, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(2, 2, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(4, 2, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(6, 2, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(0, 4, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(2, 4, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(4, 4, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(6, 4, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(0, 6, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(2, 6, 1)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(4, 6, 0)); acPts3dPMesh.Add(new Point3d(6, 6, 0)); foreach (Point3d acPt3d in acPts3dPMesh) { PolygonMeshVertex acPMeshVer = new PolygonMeshVertex(acPt3d); acPolyMesh.AppendVertex(acPMeshVer); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPMeshVer, true); } } // Open the active viewport ViewportTableRecord acVportTblRec; acVportTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acDoc.Editor.ActiveViewportId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as ViewportTableRecord; // Rotate the view direction of the current viewport acVportTblRec.ViewDirection = new Vector3d(-1, -1, 1); acDoc.Editor.UpdateTiledViewportsFromDatabase(); // Save the new objects to the database acTrans.Commit(); } }
Sub Create3DMesh() Dim meshObj As AcadPolygonMesh Dim mSize, nSize, Count As Integer ' create the matrix of points Dim points(0 To 47) As Double points(0) = 0: points(1) = 0: points(2) = 0 points(3) = 2: points(4) = 0: points(5) = 1 points(6) = 4: points(7) = 0: points(8) = 0 points(9) = 6: points(10) = 0: points(11) = 1 points(12) = 0: points(13) = 2: points(14) = 0 points(15) = 2: points(16) = 2: points(17) = 1 points(18) = 4: points(19) = 2: points(20) = 0 points(21) = 6: points(22) = 2: points(23) = 1 points(24) = 0: points(25) = 4: points(26) = 0 points(27) = 2: points(28) = 4: points(29) = 1 points(30) = 4: points(31) = 4: points(32) = 0 points(33) = 6: points(34) = 4: points(35) = 0 points(36) = 0: points(37) = 6: points(38) = 0 points(39) = 2: points(40) = 6: points(41) = 1 points(42) = 4: points(43) = 6: points(44) = 0 points(45) = 6: points(46) = 6: points(47) = 0 mSize = 4: nSize = 4 ' creates a 3Dmesh in model space Set meshObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _ Add3DMesh(mSize, nSize, points) ' Change the viewing direction of the viewport ' to better see the cylinder Dim NewDirection(0 To 2) As Double NewDirection(0) = -1 NewDirection(1) = -1 NewDirection(2) = 1 ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport.direction = NewDirection ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport ZoomAll End Sub