Advanced Parameters

Advanced Parameters

You can select the type of cap for either the start (front) or end (back) of the text;
  • Cap: Simple cap, no bevelling.
  • No Cap: No face to that side of the text.
  • Bevel Cap: Edges that can be bevelled.
  • Bevel No Cap: Edges that can be bevelled, but no face to that side of the text.

The front face of the text. The default value is Bevel Cap.

The back face of the text. The default value is Cap (non-bevelled).
When checked, selection constraints are used for that selected face of the text.
Cap Type
Morph: Creates a cap face created with triangles.
Grid: Creates cap faces in a grid pattern. This cap type deforms and renders better than morph capping.
Subdiv: Creates cap faces that will deform using a subdivision pattern.
Material IDs
You can apply individually selected materials to the Start Cap, Start Bevel, Sides, End Bevel, and End Cap surfaces.