To Render a Still Image or an Animation

To render a still image:

  1. Activate the viewport to render.
  2. Click main toolbar (Render Setup).

    The Render Setup dialog opens, with the Common panel active.

  3. On the Common Parameters rollout, check the Time Output group to make sure the Single option is chosen.
  4. In the Output Size group, set other rendering parameters or use the defaults.
  5. Click the Render button.

    By default, rendered output appears in the Rendered Frame Window.

    Tip: To render a view without using the dialog, click main toolbar (Render Production) or press F9 (Render Last).

To render an animation:

  1. Activate the viewport to render.
  2. Click main toolbar (Render Setup).

    The Render Setup dialog opens, with the Common panel active.

  3. On the Common Parameters rollout, go to the Time Output group and choose a time range.
  4. In the Output Size group, set other rendering parameters or use the defaults.
  5. In the Render Output group, click Files.
  6. On the Render Output File dialog, specify a location, name, and a type for the animation file, and then click Save.

    Typically, a dialog appears that lets you configure options for the chosen file format. Change settings or accept the defaults, and then click OK to continue.

    The Save File checkbox turns on.

  7. Click the Render button.
    Note: If you set a time range and do not specify a file to save to, the animation is rendered only to the window. This can be a time-consuming mistake, so an alert warns you about it.
Tip: Once you have rendered the animation this way, you can render it again without using the dialog by clicking main toolbar (Render Production) or pressing F9 (Render Last).