About the CAD Standards API Architecture (ActiveX/CSP)

The CAD Standards API architecture consists of three components: the host application, the CAD Standards framework, and CAD Standards plug-ins.

The AutoCAD program includes an ObjectARX® extension (AcStd.arx) and a stand-alone Batch Standards Checker application, both of which perform the duties of a host application.

Host Application Responsibilities

Host applications have the following general responsibilities:

The CAD Standards framework (or standards engine) is partially exposed through COM APIs, but developers should not attempt to extend its functionality. The standards manager is the primary object that applications use for interacting with the CAD Standards feature and plug-ins. It provides the main entry point for configuring the CAD Standards feature, passing objects to plug-ins, and collecting and displaying error and fix information.

CAD Standards Framework Responsibilities

The CAD Standards framework has the following general responsibilities:

CAD Standards plug-ins support specific audit operations, such as layer, linetype, and so on.

CAD Standards Plug-ins Responsibilities

CAD Standards plug-ins have the following responsibilities: