Creates an attached or freestanding label.
RetVal = object.CreateLabel(Arg1, KeyValues, LabelTemplate [, DisplayValues])
Type: LinkTemplate
The object or objects this method applies to.
Type: Long for object ID, or Variant (three-element array of Doubles); input-only
The graphical object to attach the label to, or the insertion point for a freestanding label.
Type: KeyValues; input-only
The key field values for the label.
Type: LabelTemplate, or String naming a label template; input-only
The label template for the label object.
Type: Variant (array of Variants); input-only; optional
Values to be displayed in the label if no matching key field is found in the database table.
Type: Label
The new label object.
The values displayed in the created label depend on which arguments are passed to CreateLabel. Those values may be affected by a subsequent call to the Reload method. CreateLabel behaves as follows: