GetLinksByLabelTemplate Method (ActiveX/CAO)

Gets a Links collection containing the label links associated with the specified label template.



RetVal = object.GetLinksByLabelTemplate(LabelTemplate, [, LinkTypes] [, Document])

Type: DbConnect

The object or objects this method applies to.


Type: LabelTemplate, or String identifying a label template; input-only

Specifies the label template whose links are returned.


Type: Integer; input-only; optional

Specifies the type of links to return. You can specify any combination of the following link types:

  • kFSLabelType: Freestanding labels
  • kAttachedLabelType: Attached labels

If no value is specified, all label links are returned.


Type: AcadDocument; input-only; optional

This argument is ignored if a LabelTemplate Object is passed as the first argument. If this argument is not specified, the document object is identified as follows:

  • If the LabelTemplate argument is a string naming a label template, the current document is used.
  • If the LabelTemplate argument is a LabelTemplate object, the label template document is used.

Type: Links

The Links collection meeting the specified conditions.