To Create a Material Tool From a Render Material in the Content Browser

You can create a material tool by dragging a render material from Content Browser to AutoCAD Architecture.

Creating a new material tool in a drawing entails the creation of a new material definition in Style Manager. The material definition is used to create the material tool, but can also be used for different purposes in the drawing, like using the material definition to create object styles.

  1. Click Home tabBuild panelTools drop-downContent Browser.
  2. Open the Visualization catalog and navigate to the Render Material category. Then, select the material you require.
  3. Move the pointer over the i-drop® icon next to the tool so that the pointer image changes to an eyedropper ().
  4. Click and hold the i-drop® icon until it is full.
  5. Use one of the following options to copy the render material to AutoCAD Architecture:
    • Drag the material from Content Browser into an AutoCAD Architecture drawing.

      If you drag a render material from Content Browser directly into an AutoCAD Architecture drawing, an AutoCAD Architecture material definition is created from it. You cannot directly create an AutoCAD Architecture material tool this way. The new material definition is listed in Style Manager, where you can create a material tool from it.

    • Drag the material from Content Browser onto an AutoCAD Architecture palette.

      If you drag a render material to an AutoCAD Architecture palette, a “temporary” material tool is created.

  6. If you have dragged the render material directly into an drawing, the Create AEC Material worksheet is displayed.

    • For AEC Material to use as a Template, select an existing material definition that contains the parameters you want to use.

      Note: The material definition you select as template will define all initial material settings except for the rendering material. These include the layer, color, and linetype settings, hatching, surface hatch assignments, and the behavior of the material when used in a section.
    • Enter a name for the new material definition.
    • Click OK.

    The option to automatically create a material tool from the new material definition is grayed out.

  7. If you have dragged the render material onto an AutoCAD Architecture palette, finish the creation of the AEC Material tool.
    • Select the temporary icon on the tool palette.

    • In the Create AEC Material Worksheet, select an existing material definition for AEC Material to use as a Template.
      Note: The material definition you select as template will define all initial material settings except for the rending material. These include the layer, color, and linetype settings, hatching, surface hatch assignments, and the behavior of the material when used in a section.
    • Enter a name for the new material definition.
    • Verify that Convert to AEC Material tool is selected.
    • Click OK.

      A notification message appears, reminding you to save the drawing after dismissing the notification so that the material tool is saved with the current drawing.

  8. If you have created a material tool by dragging a render material to a tool palette, update the tool image to display the AutoCAD Architecture material tool icon.
  9. Select the material tool on the palette, right-click, and click Properties.

    You can see that the icon preview is different from the Viewer preview.

  10. Select the icon preview under Image, right-click, and click Refresh Image. Then, click OK.

    The material tool is now represented on the palette by the AutoCAD Architecture cube icon with correct material display.