Styles Browser Palette

Searches and imports object styles to the current drawing.

Searches object styles, imports them into the current drawing, and starts the relevant command to start drawing with the selected object.

The following options are displayed.

Object Type

The drop-down lists all objects for which you can choose styles.

Drawing Source

Select the drawing source from the drop-down. You can import styles from a current open drawing, a Project Standards drawing or a Content Library drawing.

Drawing File

Select a drawing file from which to import styles. The drop-down lists all the drawing files available in the selected drawing source for the object type selected.
Note: If an object type is unchecked from the Configure Standards dialog box, it will not show up in the list.

Search Style

Search for object styles from the results displaying using the style name. The results are based on the options selected above.

Insert Options

Import the style into the drawing, start the add object command with the selected style, or apply a style to the selected object.

Gallery Options

Select the preview size and view direction for the object style and the background color of the preview swatch.


Displays all available object styles based on the selections. System definitions do not have a preview, hence they display only the system definition name.