Use this procedure to create a new category in your project by dragging a folder from Windows Explorer into the Drawing Explorer of the Project Navigator palette. This adds a folder and its contents to your project.
- On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
- Navigate to the tab for the category type you want to create.
- If you want to create a sheet category, click the Sheets tab, and click (Explorer View).
- Start Windows Explorer and position it next to the Project Navigator.
- Select the folder in Windows Explorer from which you want to create a category.
- Place the folder in the Drawing Explorer of the selected tab of the Project Navigator:
If you want to… |
Then… |
move the folder out of its current location |
drag the folder to the desired location. |
copy the folder from its current location |
press Ctrl and drag the folder to the desired location |
Dragging a folder from Windows Explorer to Project Navigator
Note: If the folder you are dragging onto the Project Navigator palette contains drawing (DWG) files, you are prompted to add each one as a project file. For example, if you drag a folder into the Elements category in the Drawing Explorer, the Add Element dialog box displays prompting you to add each DWG file within that folder as an element.