To Create a Sheet View

Use this procedure to create a sheet view on a sheet.

A sheet view is a paper space viewport on a sheet that is created when a model space view or view drawing from the Project Navigator is dragged and dropped onto a sheet.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
  2. Click the Sheets tab, and click (Sheet Set View) in the title bar.
  3. In the Sheet Set view, locate the sheet on which you want to place a new sheet view.
  4. Open the sheet using one of the following methods:
    • Select the sheet, right-click, and click Open.
    • Double-click the sheet.

    The sheet opens in the drawing area of AutoCAD Architecture. The sheet you have selected is the active layout.

  5. On the Project Navigator palette, click the Views tab.
  6. Select the model space view, right-click, and click Place on Sheet. Then, select an insertion point on the sheet.

    Alternatively, drag the model space view from the Project Navigator and drop it onto a sheet.

    Note: Sheet views are inserted with their own layer key. The layer key used for sheet views is G-Anno-Nplt.