Changes made to one part of a project frequently influence other parts of the project. The following information describes the changes you can make to an element, and the effects of the changes on other parts of the building project.
- Adding new elements: When you add new elements to a project, you may reference them into other elements, constructs, or sheets.
- Changing the element name and category (location): Elements are used as external references in other files. When you change the name and the location of an element, external reference paths to it no longer correct. To update the project, repath the project.
Danger: When you repath a project that was saved in a version of AutoCAD Architecture prior to 2010, the drawings are saved in the new file format. You will no longer be able to open these drawings in a version of AutoCAD Architecture prior to 2010. Synchronizing a project with the project standards will also save the project drawings in the new file format.
- Deleting an element: When you delete an element that has been referenced into another element or into a construct or a sheet, that drawing now has missing references. If a construct with deleted elements has been referenced into a view, and the view is updated, it also has missing references. Therefore, before deleting an element, check to see if it is still used elsewhere.