Changes made to one part of a project frequently influence other parts of the project. The following information describes the changes you can make to a sheet and the effects of the changes on other parts of the building project:
- Adding a new sheet: Normally, a sheet is created to reference a specific view. For example, if you create a view called First Floor Plan, create a sheet that contains this view.
- Changing the sheet name and subset: A sheet has one or more views referenced into it. Therefore, any name and location changes to a sheet need to be updated throughout the project. To update the path, repath the project.
Danger: When you repath a project that was saved in a version of AutoCAD Architecture prior to 2010, the drawings are saved in the new file format. You will no longer be able to open these drawings in a version of AutoCAD Architecture prior to 2010. Synchronizing a project with the project standards will also save the project drawings in the new file format.
Note: Because the sheet is the last stage of the project, it has fewer interactions with the project than the other components do. For example, deleting a sheet has no influence on other drawings, like views or constructs.