You can open AutoCAD Architecture with a specific project set current by double-clicking the project APJ file in Windows Explorer. If there is an AutoCAD Architecture session already open, the new project will become the active project within the same session. Based on the setting you specify, you are given the option to close all open drawing files from the previous project.
When you install AutoCAD Architecture, and the APJ files extension has not previously been associated with another application, such as an XML editor, the file association between the APJ file extension and AutoCAD Architecture is automatically created. If you had previously associated the APJ file extension with another application, and want to change that association to AutoCAD Architecture, use the following steps:
In the Details section, the default application for opening APJ files is listed. If the value of Opens with is AECLAUNCHCURRENTPROJECT.EXE, click OK. If not, click Restore, or click Change, select AutoCAD Architecture in the Open With dialog box, and click OK.