acad-push-dbmod (AutoLISP)

Stores the current value of the DBMOD system variable

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS

Prerequisites: The AcApp ObjectARX application must be loaded before the function can be called, which is loaded by default.


No arguments.

Return Values

Type: T

Always returns T.


This function is used with acad-pop-dbmod to control the DBMOD system variable. You can use this function to change a drawing without changing the DBMOD system variable. The DBMOD system variable tracks changes to a drawing and triggers save-drawing queries.

This function pushes the current value of the DBMOD system variable onto an internal stack. To use acad-push-dbmod and acad-pop-dbmod, precede operations with acad-push-dbmod and then use acad-pop-dbmod to restore the original value of the DBMOD system variable.


The following example shows how to store the modification status of a drawing, change the status, and then restore the original status.

(setq new_line '((0 . "LINE") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (8 . "0")
             (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 1.0 2.0 0.0) (11 2.0 1.0 0.0)
             (210 0.0 0.0 1.0)))
(entmake new_line)            ; Set DBMOD to flag 1
(command "._color" "2")        ; Set DBMOD to flag 4
(command "._-vports" "_SI")    ; Set DBMOD to flag 8
(command "._vpoint" "0,0,1")   ; Set DBMOD to flag 16
(acad-pop-dbmod)              ; Set DBMOD to original value