mirror3d (AutoLISP/External Function)

Reflects selected objects about a user-specified plane

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS

Prerequisites: The Geom3d ObjectARX application must be loaded before the function can be called, (arxload "geom3d").


(mirror3d args ...)

Type: String, List, Ename (entity name), or nil

The order, number, and type of arguments for the mirror3d function are the same as if you were using the AutoCAD MIRROR3D command.

A null response (a user pressing Enter) can be indicated by specifying nil or an empty string ("").

Return Values

Type: T or nil

If successful, mirror3d returns T; otherwise it returns nil.


The following example mirrors the selected objects about the XY plane that passes through the point 0,0,5, and then deletes the old objects:

(setq ss (ssget))
(mirror3d ss "XY" '(0 0 5) "Y")