Example: Hiding a Dialog Box (DCL)

This example demonstrates how to create a simple dialog box that allows the user to click a button and then pick a point in the graphics screen.

Note: DCL support in AutoLISP is limited to Windows only.

The dialog box is defined with the following DCL:

hidedcl : dialog
  label="Hide Example";
  : column
    : text
      label="Click PickMe to pick a point";
        label = "PickMe";
        key = "hide";
        mnemonic = "H";

The dialog box definition defines two buttons that the user can click. Clicking OK closes the window, while clicking PickMe executes code that hides the dialog box and prompts the user to specify a point. The following AutoLISP code displays the dialog box and defines the behavior of the two button tiles:

(defun c:hidedcl (/ dcl_id what_next cnt)
  (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "hidedcl.dcl"))  ; Load the dialog box.
  (setq what_next 2)
  (setq cnt 1)
  (while (>= what_next 2)                    ; Begin display loop.
    (if (null (new_dialog "hidedcl" dcl_id)) ; Initialize dialog
      (exit)                                 ; box, exit if nil
    ) ; endif                                ; returned.

    ; Set action to take if a button is pressed. Either button
    ; results in a done_dialog call to close the dialog box.
    ; Each button associates a specific status code with
    ; done_dialog, and this status code is returned by
    ; start_dialog.
    (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") ; Set action for OK.
    (action_tile "hide" "(done_dialog 4)")   ; Set action for PickMe.
    (setq what_next (start_dialog))          ; Display dialog box.

      ((= what_next 4)                       ; Prompt user to
        (getpoint "\npick a point")          ; pick pt.
      ((= what_next 0)
        (prompt "\nuser cancelled dialog")
  (unload_dialog dcl_id)
Note: The term_dialog function terminates all dialog boxes at once but does not return a status code, so there is no way for an application to distinguish between hiding a nested box and canceling boxes due to an error condition