TXT2MTXT (Express Tool)

Converts one or more single-line text objects to a multiline text object.


TXT2MTXT will operate on single-line text objects created with the TEXT command. The selected text objects will be removed from the drawing and a new mtext object will be created. The text size, font, and color differences between text objects will be maintained if possible.

Command: TXT2MTXT

Select objects: Use an object selection method to select text or press Enter to display options

Tip: If the original set of text objects was created with successive TEXT commands, enabling the Sort Top-Down option and disabling the Create word-wrap MText options will produce the most visually similar results.

Dialog Box Options

Text ordering Choose between Selection set order or by descending vertical position.
Create word-wrap MText If enabled, adds space characters to each line to balance paragraphs. Otherwise disables word wrap.


Select three text objects and convert them to an mtext object.

Select the text objects:

The text objects are converted to a single mtext object:

Note: The mtext object retains the multiple lines because the three text objects were aligned vertically. If the text objects were not aligned, the result would have been an mtext object with all the text on a single line.

