You can adjust the color and display schemes used in the application and drawing windows, and control the behavior of general features such as grip editing behavior.
You can modify the appearance of your work area and work space tools in many ways. The most common settings are found in the following locations:
- Options dialog box. Change settings that control color schemes, background colors, crosshairs, grips, default file paths, tooltip display, command line fonts, and many other application elements (OPTIONS).
- Customize User Interface Editor. Control the tools and command elements on ribbons, toolbars, and menus (CUI).
- UCS Icon dialog box. Control the appearance of the UCS icon in model space and paper space (UCSICON).
- Clean screen. Toggle the display of the menu bar, status bar, and command window when you want to expand the size of the drawing area (Ctrl + 0).
- View transition settings. Control whether view transitions are smooth or instantaneous when you pan, zoom, or change from one view to another (VTOPTIONS).
- Workspaces. Specify the workspace that contains the tools that you use most often (WORKSPACE).