OSMODE (System Variable)

Sets running object snaps.

Saved in:Registry
Initial value:4133
The setting is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the following values:
0 NONe
1 ENDpoint
2 MIDpoint
4 CENter
8 NODe
16 QUAdrant
32 INTersection
64 INSertion
128 PERpendicular
256 TANgent
512 NEArest
1024 Geometric CEnter
2048 APParent Intersection
4096 EXTension
8192 PARallel
16384 Suppresses the current running object snaps

To specify more than one running object snap, enter the sum of their values. For example, entering 3 specifies the Endpoint (bitcode 1) and Midpoint (bitcode 2) object snaps.

Note: Developers creating custom routines can use the 16384 bitcode to temporarily suppress the current running object snap settings without losing the original settings.