The following table lists the files and settings that are transferred each time you use Customization Sync (to transfer settings online between home and office), or Export/Import (to transfer settings offline between computers running the same release of the program), or Migrate Custom Settings (to migrate settings between releases)
Feature | File | Description | Customization Sync | Export/Import | Migrate Custom Settings |
AutoCAD Alias | *.pgp | External commands and command alias definitions. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Color | *.acb | AutoCAD Color Book. | No | Yes | Yes |
Custom Dictionary | *.cus | Custom dictionary used to check the spelling of words in annotation objects. | No | Yes | Yes |
Customization | *.bmp, *.dib, *.rle *.png | Images used for custom commands defined in a customization file. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customization | *.cuix | Information used to define many of the user interface elements for the program and control their placement on screen. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customization | *.ini | Configuration settings for some features. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customization | *.mnl | AutoLISP commands and procedures that a customization file is dependent on; must have the same name as a customization file in order to be loaded by the product. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Drawing templates | *.dwt | A drawing file with preestablished settings used to create new drawings, such as acad.dwt (or acadlt.dwt in AutoCAD LT) and acadiso.dwt (or acadltiso.dwt in AutoCAD LT). | Yes | No | Yes |
Fonts | BigFont.ini | Big Fonts. | Yes | No | Yes |
Fonts | *.fmp | Information about font mappings for True Type Fonts used in the In-Place Text Editor. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Hatch Patterns | *.pat | Standard and custom hatch pattern definitions. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Line Types | *.lin | Standard and custom linetype definitions. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Materials Library | FavoriteMaterials.adsklib | Contains materials that were added to the Favorites library with the Materials Browser. | No | Yes | Yes |
Multiline Styles | *.mln | Standard and custom multiline style definitions. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.ctb | Settings used to control the appearance of objects when plotting and publishing; the settings are arranged by the colors of the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) system. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.pc3 | Configuration information for a plotter or printer. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.pmp | Calibration and paper size settings that are used with a PC3 file. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.psf | Information about font substitution when exporting to a Postscript file. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.pss | Plot stamps used for plotting and publishing. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Plot | *.stb | Settings used to control the appearance of objects when plotting and publishing; the settings are grouped into names that can be assigned to a layer or object. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Shapes, Fonts, Lines | *.shx | Information about text characters or shapes in complex linetype definitions. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
System variables | n/a | System variable settings stored in user profiles (excluding TASKBAR). | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tool palettes | *.atc, *.aws | Tool palettes and the order in which tools appear on a tool palette, and other local settings. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tool palettes | *.bmp, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, *.ico , etc. | Image files for tools defined in tool palettes and the tool palette catalog. | Yes | Yes | Yes |