To Modify Coordinates for the Playback of an Action Macro

Recorded coordinate values can be played back as absolute or relative coordinates.

All recorded coordinate values are captured and stored as absolute. By default, the first coordinate value in the action macro is played back as absolute and most of the other coordinate values are played back as relative to the previous point. When a UCS change occurs, the next recorded coordinate value is always defined as absolute.

Display the Action Recorder and Set the Working Action Macro

  1. On the ribbon, click Manage tab Action Recorder panel.
  2. Click the down arrow next to the Action Macro list.
  3. In the Action Macro list, select the action macro you want to manage or modify.

Specify Coordinate Values to be Absolute or Relative to the Previous Point

  1. Expand the Action Recorder panel.
  2. In the Action tree, right-click a coordinate value node and click Relative to Previous.

    If a check mark is present next to Relative to Previous, the coordinate value is relative to the previous point in the action macro. Clicking the option will change the coordinate value to be absolute.

Specify All Coordinates to be Absolute or Relative to the Initial Coordinates

  1. Expand the Action Recorder panel.
  2. In the Action tree, right-click the top node and click All Points Are Relative.

    If a check mark is present next to All Points Are Relative, all coordinates in the action macro are relative to the previous point in the action macro with the exception of the initial coordinate value. Otherwise, the coordinates might be absolute, or a combination of absolute and relative coordinates in the action macro.

    Note: To be sure all coordinates are absolute when All Points Are Relative is not checked, select All Points Are Relative twice to avoid the situation where some coordinates are absolute while others are relative to the previous point in the action macro.