Add To or Merge Multiple Selection Sets (.NET)

You can merge multiple selection sets be creating an ObjectIdCollection object and then adding the object ids from multiple selection sets together. In addition to adding object ids to an ObjectIdCollection object, you can remove object ids. Once all object ids are added to an ObjectIdCollection object, you can iterate through the collection of object ids and manipulate each object as needed.

Add selected objects to a selection set

This example prompts the user to select objects twice and then merges the two selection sets created into a single selection set.


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
<CommandMethod("MergeSelectionSets")> _
Public Sub MergeSelectionSets()
    '' Get the current document editor
    Dim acDocEd As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor

    '' Request for objects to be selected in the drawing area
    Dim acSSPrompt As PromptSelectionResult
    acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection()

    Dim acSSet1 As SelectionSet
    Dim acObjIdColl As ObjectIdCollection = New ObjectIdCollection()

    '' If the prompt status is OK, objects were selected
    If acSSPrompt.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
        '' Get the selected objects
        acSSet1 = acSSPrompt.Value

        '' Append the selected objects to the ObjectIdCollection
        acObjIdColl = New ObjectIdCollection(acSSet1.GetObjectIds())
    End If

    '' Request for objects to be selected in the drawing area
    acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection()

    Dim acSSet2 As SelectionSet

    '' If the prompt status is OK, objects were selected
    If acSSPrompt.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
        acSSet2 = acSSPrompt.Value

        '' Check the size of the ObjectIdCollection, if zero, then initialize it
        If acObjIdColl.Count = 0 Then
            acObjIdColl = New ObjectIdCollection(acSSet2.GetObjectIds())
            Dim acObjId As ObjectId

            '' Step through the second selection set
            For Each acObjId In acSSet2.GetObjectIds()
                '' Add each object id to the ObjectIdCollection
        End If
    End If

    Application.ShowAlertDialog("Number of objects selected: " & _
End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
public static void MergeSelectionSets()
    // Get the current document editor
    Editor acDocEd = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

    // Request for objects to be selected in the drawing area
    PromptSelectionResult acSSPrompt;
    acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection();

    SelectionSet acSSet1;
    ObjectIdCollection acObjIdColl = new ObjectIdCollection();

    // If the prompt status is OK, objects were selected
    if (acSSPrompt.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
        // Get the selected objects
        acSSet1 = acSSPrompt.Value;

        // Append the selected objects to the ObjectIdCollection
        acObjIdColl = new ObjectIdCollection(acSSet1.GetObjectIds());

    // Request for objects to be selected in the drawing area
    acSSPrompt = acDocEd.GetSelection();

    SelectionSet acSSet2;

    // If the prompt status is OK, objects were selected
    if (acSSPrompt.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
        acSSet2 = acSSPrompt.Value;

        // Check the size of the ObjectIdCollection, if zero, then initialize it
        if (acObjIdColl.Count == 0)
            acObjIdColl = new ObjectIdCollection(acSSet2.GetObjectIds());
            // Step through the second selection set
            foreach (ObjectId acObjId in acSSet2.GetObjectIds())
                // Add each object id to the ObjectIdCollection

    Application.ShowAlertDialog("Number of objects selected: " +

VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub MergeSelectionSets()
    ' Create a new selection set
    Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
    Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1")
    ' Prompt the user to select objects
    ' and add them to the selection set.
    ' Prompt the user again to select objects
    ' and add them to the same selection set.
    MsgBox "Number of total objects selected: " & sset.Count
    ' Remove the selection set at the end
End Sub