Specify X and Y offsets to define the distance between the anchor point of the anchor component and the attachment point of the label component.

X and Y offsets in a text component
Offsets are dependent on the Orientation Reference of the label style:
- Label Orientation Reference set to Object. X and Y offset values are relative to the X and Y coordinate system as defined by the anchor component direction. In the preceding illustration, the anchor component direction is zero (0) degrees, so X, and Y offsets are measured relative to zero (X direction = 0° and Y direction = 90°). If the anchor component direction changed to 45°, then the X direction is measured at 45°, and the Y direction is measured at 135°.
- Label Orientation Reference set to World. X and Y offset values are relative to the world coordinate system (X direction = 0° and Y direction = 90°).
- Label Orientation Reference set to View. X and Y offset values are relative to the current view (X direction = bottom of screen and Y direction = 90° from bottom of screen).